In every office, a hand held hole punch is standard equipment; often several can be found throughout the building. But a circular hole doesn’t quite cut it for every job. When a circle doesn’t work, employees’ next step is to find a slot maxwin receh punch to make a slit.
One perfect little device for this purpose is the Akiles Slot Punch. With durable all steel construction in a convenient petite package, this is one device you won’t want your office to be without. It is especially useful in hospitals, computer companies, security centers, and big corporations. Here is everything there is to know about the Akiles Slot Punch.
- First, the difference between this model the other one is the additional convenience of a centering guide. This helps to ensure your slot is punched in the exact spot needed. The guide is extremely beneficial for applications where accurate precision is of the utmost importance.
- The new compact design adds to the convenience and functionality of this equipment. Offering petite dimensions of only 5-3/4″ by 2-1/2″ by 1-1/2″, it can go anywhere you need it to. You can store it in or on your desk or in a community supply cabinet for access by multiple users. And since it is so lightweight, it’s not a problem to carry it from one location to another.
- Since this punch is so light and compact, it’s great for on the go use. While a hard surface may be more convenient, you could also use it in your lap or simply by holding it in your hands. This would be especially handy for making entrance cards at a concert venue or other in-the-field uses.
- The all steel construction easily punches through up to 16 sheets of paper at once. It will also slice through 1.2mm soft PVC and 0.8mm hard PVC. This makes it perfect to cut through laminated materials, badges, ID cards, and luggage tags.
- The oval hole created is about 1/8 inch by ½ inch in size. This small slit is ideal for badge clips, strap clips, lanyards, luggage loops and any other ID accessories you may need to punch.
- Akiles guarantees the quality craftsmanship of this item with a 90 day warranty.
- One small downside to this is the limited punching capability. Businesses with heavy duty punching needs of large quantities of items would probably want a device that can slice through a larger amount of items at once.
- Another thing to consider is how much use you will need to do manually. While light, every day use won’t wear you out, a long day of punching will leave you with tired hand muscles. If you think you’ll need all day punching more than occasionally, we would recommend an automatic slot punch.
Overall, the Akiles Slot Punch is a great basic tool to have around the office. It is especially beneficial to security desks, call centers, and any other place who need a light to moderate amount of punching.
It is also a handy item to keep in your desk or in a general supply closet. The Akiles Slot Punch with a guide is an excellent personal punch. They are very funny and they are exciting as well. You would always enjoy them.
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